Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wine, Women and Song: A Poem

Wine, Women and Song

To the man who wants to get away but never does.

It is the stares and gaze
With your demeanor you can amaze
With a crooked mind and a big ego
Making your name a sophisticated logo
That people can remember as you walk and go.

Accompanied with reds and blacks
Enemies accumulated in stacks
I, too, was once a part of that
Pointed looks, words sharp as a dart
Demeaning attitudes and insulting remarks.

Cold air rested in my cheeks
An enemy is not what I seek
Betting my manners have finally leaked
From a spark, a bomb has lit.

My own pound of flesh.
Everybody wants to leave me a mesh
Like a T-rex with a prey so weak
He approached me and I shivered with fear,
But with his soft eyes he said, “My intentions are clear”.

Painstakingly waited for my doubts to pass
Painstakingly waited for my walls to crash
Silly passes, bad quotes and clumsy lines
For years we laugh at our lame rhymes

But garnering a reputation so bad to hear
A faithless woman I turn out to be
Those silly passes, bad quotes and clumsy lines
I found out has practiced a million times
Unmasking a charming face, a monster I find.

Waiting for the proper timing to find a conversation
Finding revelations I can’t shun no longer
I watch him desperately pick those clutter
Seeing his hands for the glass he shattered

But for me, those lame rhymes doesn’t matter anymore.

- Danica Ann Niegas

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            Let my start by saying an apology because I am running and going back in this blog  only  when I am distressed which explains my...